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Lavender Hedging

Lavender is a plant traditionally used in formal european gardens, especially english, spanish and french. The well known Lavender dentata, known as French Lavender is very aromatic with typical lavender scent. A Lavender hedge makes a reliable, scented addition to your spring flowering garden

Lavender stoechas Alba

Available this autumn are the following varieties.

Lavandula stoechas ‘Alba’ (White Spanish Lavender) whihch has narrow leaves which are grey-green in colour. White flowers in spring are surrounded by white bracts.

Lavendula stoechas ‘Bella Rose’ grows into a compact lavender covered in flowers of dark-pink flowers topped with rose coloured wings during autumn to spring. It grows to a height of 50cm is is suitable in a dry bank, rockery or as a colourful hedge.

Lavender Lavance Blue

Lavender Lavance Blue is a multi- branched compact lavender which is suitable as informal hedge. Scented deep purple – blue flowers during summer. Useful plant use as a cut flower or drying

Lavender angustifolia Hidcote has nice deep lavender blue flowers which are lightly scented. Suitable as a hedge or for drying as potpourri. Grows to about 30 to 35cm. A popular selected form of English Lavender

Lavender angustifolia Munstead Blue has nice lavender blue flowers,Suitable as a hedge or for drying as potpourri. Likes full sun and good drainage. A popular selected form of English Lavender

Lavendula Light Series grows into a compact lavender covered in mauve flowers during autumn to spring.

If you are interested in purchasing lavender plants online click to view current availability

There are many plants that be used for hedging both well known and some less common.